I can cut your cost by a significant amount
Have a single tree, or maybe a small timber lot? Every portable sawmill project I tackle will receive the same attention to quality and service that makes for a cost effective, efficient operation.
Advantages, Compared to a stationary sawmill:
- I saw the logs at your site, eliminates transporting logs to a stationary sawmill
- No sawmill mix ups, always ensures you receive the lumber sawn from your logs
- Eliminate handling, no return trips to the sawmill to pick up the finished lumber
- Narrow band saw kerf technology provides up to 33% more lumber
- Sawing charge is comparable to a stationary mill, and much less when lumber
- recovery rate and transportation costs are considered
- Log owners can help off bear the lumber and save even more
- The band saw mill gives a smoother finish compared to a circle blade sawmill
- Opportunity to monitor and change your cut list needs with each log
- Efficient and accurate when sawing logs up to 36” in diameter and 20’ long
- Minimal waiting, call for an appointment when you start harvesting your trees
Advantages, Compared to a retail purchase:
- One on one customer relationship, no middleman or store clerk
- Save 75% of your construction lumber costs using your own trees
- Huge savings when cutting large beams and timbers
- Custom sizes lumberyards don’t carry or need to order from a sawmill
- I saw to your cut list, custom plans and patterns welcome
- Get full size framing lumber, a 2 x 4 is 2 x 4”, or 1½” x 3½.”
- Saw Oak, burl, Olive, Cherry, Walnut and Maple for woodworking projects
- Save from $5.00 to $10.00 per board foot when compared to retail outlets.